Shopping Pools & Staking

  • What is a Shopping Pool?
    27th July 2024
  • What are the benefits of owning a Shopping Pool?
    27th July 2024
  • How many Shopping Pools are there?
    27th July 2024
  • How much does a Shopping Pool cost?
    27th July 2024
  • How can I buy a Shopping Pool?
    27th July 2024
  • How does a Shopping Pool generate revenue?
    27th July 2024
  • What is the innovation behind the Shopping Pool?
    27th July 2024
  • How can I stake my ZPAY? What is the staking period?
    27th July 2024
  • What is the staking yield that I can earn?
    27th July 2024
  • Do I earn returns on the deposit I made for the Shopping Pool?
    27th July 2024
  • Is there a limit on the number of people that can join my Shopping Pool?
    27th July 2024